
Tuesday 26 December 2017

Day 2: The Roaring 20’s (The 1920s)-Activity 1: Popular Culture – The Silent Movie

Today Blog post is about a movie called Gold rush. In our blog we had to talk about if the movie was good Amazing or cool. I think the movie was quite good cause it says witch part its acting and the movie like a chapter like its telling us the title of the movie then it acts like that part. I really enjoyed that Silent movie and hope to blog more interesting movies.


  1. Hey there Kaitlyn, it's Billy here from Summer Learning Journey. Thanks for completing another activity. I've enjoyed reading your honest opinion about the film Gold Rush.

    Do you think you could watch a silent movie and would enjoy it? Why or why not?

    Thanks, Billy

  2. Hi Kaitlyn!

    Nicky here from the Summer Learning Journey team. I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year break and have been enjoying time with your family and friends! Don't forget you still have lots of time to complete the Summer Learning Journey activities. We'd love to have you come back and blog with us when you get a chance!

    Enjoy the rest of your holidays!

    Nicky :)
