
Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Kiwi Can-Self Control

LI: to be respectful at Kiwi can and other places.
I learned at kiwi can to be respectful to the values and I learnt about the values they are Resilients, participation and respect.I learnt how to play a game called “Bip bop bounce” this is how you play, people have to get in a circle and one person is in the middle, he or she has to point to a person and he or she has to say bip bop bounce and the person that she or he is pointing at has to say bang before the person in the middle says bounce.I learnt by listening to the instructions and by being focused on my work.I learned by going to kiwi can and listening to the supervisor.I learned by using the values.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kailyn
    I really love your Kiwi can i think it is really interesting. How long did this take you?. I also did Kiwi can to but i was working with my partner.
    Keep up the Great Learning.
