
Thursday, 29 March 2018

Kiwi Sport

LI: Today i learn how to hold a bat.

Today we had kiwi Sport with Alison. What we did was we started with our warm our warm up was running down to the tree and touch and run back. Then after that we had to get into partners my Partner was Farzana we had to line in two 1 pair on the other side and 1 pair on they other line. Then we had to Split up and Farzana was catching and i was batting. So first we stared off with Scatter ball Our team batted and then the other team was Catching. After we Switched and then team 1 batted team 2 Catching the ball. After Every one had turn Alison said we didn't have enough time to play another round of Scatter Ball. So then we played 4 corners. 4 Corners is like a game that we have to stop at a base when Alison is counting down 54321 then she has keep her eyes closed and she has to pick a base if she picks that base they are out.

Maths Action

today i was doing my maths blog post about maths. we had to put words and do a video.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Maths Action

This week had maths action. we had to do a video and words


Today i commented on fau's Cyber smart Cleaning our drive.


LI: To read an Artical about Amelia Earhart. We had to find the words we were struggling on and copy and paste into our I'm Stuck on.. List. There were heaps of words i didn't know about and actually didn't know what it does.

Kiwi Can

Our New topic for today at Kiwi can was conflict resoulotions. What did today was get straight into our Energizer. Our Energizer was 21. Then after that game we had to talk about Cyber Bulling . Cyber Bulling is something that you can't get away with. If we seen someone sad or angry you have to let them calm down for 3 seconds because you might be stressing them or making them even more angry. And also what would you do if you saw someone sitting on the bank lonely. 

Cyber smart-Cleaning our Drive

LI: To put the files in the right folder.Today Our first session was Cyber smart. For our Cyber smart we had to clean our drive and put the right files into the folders. We had to check if the drawings where maths we had to put it in the maths folder. We had to Work with a partner my partner was Sione A. Me and Sione A was Organizing our drive. Why- Because if your drive gets nearly full or it already full that makes your computer slow. And we also had to delete things we didn't need.

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Duffy Assembly

Today we had Duffy Assembly at the hall. Our Visitors was Taylor and Matt. Taylor grew up to be on the newspaper like her mum. She wanted to ride a BMX bike when she was a really young age when she finished reading her mum's newspaper. She explained how famous her mum was on the newspaper. She showed us her T-Shirts and she actually came to Vs New Zealand about riding her BMX bike.  Taylor said that she didn't like reading when she young because she thought that she wasn't reading the right books. Her favorite book to read was about Micheal Jackson. Matt loved playing rugby and loved reading. Then Taylor came into our class and competed with one of our Olympics minute to win it games.


Friday, 23 March 2018

Device Skills

To use the right device skills for your own responsibility. We have to do this task because some people need to know how to take of there chromebook. 


we had to find photo of the word . and draw it ourselves.


LI: to give them a greeting and make sure you sentences are making sentences.

Today for my Commenting i was commenting on charlize's Predictions. she had a great blurb and great and her blurb made sentences her predictions was really interesting to read. and people would like to hear other work from her.

Kiwi sport

Last week for kiwi sport we played games and batting and fielding. What we did last week we had to put it together and all of it at once this week. We only had 1 run of the base. We played all the games from last week and played it together this week. I think it was a really fun because we had to combined our Skills into this and play it this week. These skills i used was a really good skill.

Team Motto

LI: To make a motto for your team by using examples of different mottos. 
Today I had to work with my group to find our own motto for our emblem. We had to look at different mottos to see how mottos work. We used Bank mottos, Food Mottos, and Shop mottos. We all looked at our emblem and made our motto share it with the world because we all made our talents on our emblem so we could share our talents with everyone.TNS

'Our team motto is (Share it with the world)
This relates to our team and what our talent is. It is about our knowledge and what we do as a team. We combined our thoughts and put it together as a group. We put all our talents together in the circles that has the colours of our country and called it share it with the world so everyone can see our talents."

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Kiwi Sport

Today for kiwi sport we lernt how to pitch without a tea somepeople got missed becuase they werent holding the bat propley. there were also steps on how we had to hold the bat these were the steps little nuckles alined, sholder with apart albow in. there were fielders and batters, at the end we played a game Sorry i forgot what the game was called but it was pretty fun.

Team Motto

LI: To make a motto for your team by using examples of different mottos. Today I had to work with my group to find our own motto for our emblem. We had to look at different mottos to see how mottos work. We used Bank mottos, Food Mottos, and Shop mottos. We all looked at our emblem and made our motto share it with the world because we all made our talents on our emblem so we could share our talents with everyone.TNSOur team motto is (Share it with the world)
This relates to our team and what our talent is. It is about our knowledge and what we do as a team. We combined our thoughts and put it together as a group. We put all our talents together in the circles that has the colours of our country and called it share it with the world so everyone can see our talents.

Self Monitoring

LI: To Lear what self Monitoring using Water worries.

This week for reading we had to right about Self Monitoring. We had to stop at three words and right about what it means we had to read the Fix up Strategies to help us what that word means. I read the story with my Partner fau we both used the fix up Strategies to help us through the story. I was really looking Forward to talk about the Cyclone water Cycle.

Cricket Inter schools

On Wednesday we had a Cricket inter school trip. On that trip we went to Compete other people at 
cricket. We had LS1 and LS2 go to the inter school cricket game. Our first Competing game was against PT England,I was really excited to play against them it was really fun to meet new people and also find out who will win. Our Captain for the team was Melefau Fonua. She was the captain and leading games and saying the chair after the game.Then we went off and Competed against Tamaki Primary. PBS Yr 5's was in partners one is batting and someone was on the other end of the wicket. Tamaki primary was really good and bowling and batting we had a switch over PBS was Bowling and Fielding. Fau was Going to Bowl  first and then the rotation would go around and make sure everybody had a turn at bowling. Then we had to do a Chair. Our chair was 3 chairs for Tamaki primary he ray he ray  he ray 1 for the ref he ray 1 for us YEEHA. Then we had a long lunch break watching PBS Year 7,8's. They where really good at Batting a bowling. I saw some Communication at the game we were all tired but we never gave up the game we kept going trying our best and making our Teacher Mrs Anderson happy and proud. Thank You to Mr Ogilvie for leading the cricket team we had a good time Competing other schools but Unfortunately we lost all 5 games.    

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Grammar Cop

LI: To solve witch one is the right word.

This week for Writing we had to solve out words in a sentences. We had to solve out words that sound the same but they are spelled different. like right or write another 1 nose or knows. That's one of my Grammar cop words. i had to put the wrong word on the side and put in the right word in the sentences.

Part 1
Directions: For each pair of words in bold red below, cut the incorrect word and put it in a text box off to the side of the google draw. Look up the meaning of both words to check you are using it right!

Dear Aliens,

I don’t know whether you except suggestions for whom to abduct, but if you do, please consider my teacher, Mr Ogilvie. I’m not sure exactly what kind of stuff aliens are interested in, but I’m certain Mr Ogilvie could tell you whatever you need to know.

I do have to warn you: Mr Ogilvie  is usually very sweet, but their are a few things that make him mad—and then it’s a whole different story! For one thing, don’t act bored if Mr Ogilvie starts talking about grammar. And remember, your not allowed to speak unless you raise your hand. (If aliens don’t have hands, you might have to raise an antenna.)
Mr Ogilvie has pale skin and is about 6’1”. During the week you can find him in LS1 of Panmure Bridge School. One final thing: Could you take Mr Ogilvie on March 24th? We have a big test scheduled that day, but I’m sure if Mr Ogilvie were abducted by aliens, the principal would cancel it. Oh, and here’s the most important thing of all: Bring him back quickly! We have lots of sport to prepare for, and we will miss him while he’s gone!


Students of LS1

Part 2

Incorrect words
no-No Thanks
accept- Yes
knead- moistened flour or clay
worn- Worn out clothes.
suite- Apartment
there-Something over there.
Its-  Boy Or Girl
hole- a small tunnel
board-made from a tree.
you’re-you're an angel, Deb.
aloud-not silently or in a whisper
you're-you're an angel,Deb.
mite-a minute arachnid which has four pairs of legs when adult, related to the ticks. Many kinds live in the soil and a number are parasitic on plants or animals.
pail-a bucket.
weak-having physical strength or energy.
Won-past and past participle of win.
principle-a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behaviour or for a chain of reasoning.
hears- a type of nose
wile-persuading someone to do what one wants.

Friday, 16 March 2018


LI: to give them a greeting and make sure you sentences are making sentences.

Today for my Commenting i was commenting on charlize's Predictions. she had a great blurb and great and her blurb made sentences her predictions was really interesting to read. and people would like to hear other work from her.

Mixed Addition/subtraction.

LI: to solve problem on the page.

To solve questions and put the right answer into Subtraction or Addition. This week For Math's we had to solve out problems and find the answer or work it out on a paper. This Math's task was hard because we have to solve the questions.


LI: To find and predict ideas from the book.

This week for Mr Wong's Reading groups we had to find and Predict ideas from the book Picking up the puha. We had to find out what the meaning of predict in the story. We had to find a our own bit of the story to read to our teacher and write it down on the piece of google doc.

Simple Sentences

LI: To highlight a subject and verb.

Today for Writing we had to do simple Sentences. We had to put the story's together and highlight one of them if it's a verb we have to highlight green of it a subject we have to highlight it blue. We had to make sure if the sentences where in order and make sure if the words are a subject or  a verb. After we had finished our sentences and highlighted it subject or verb we had to go and show Matthew. Matthew said to some people we have to change one more or we have one more subject to highlight

LI: To put the sentences in the right place.

Today for Writing we did the simple and Compound sentences. We had to put the sentences in order and color coded Subject and the verb. This task was really easy to do because you just have to put the sentences in order and highlight green and blue.

Thursday, 15 March 2018

Emblem Logo

LI: To create an emblem that relates to our group. Today for inquiry we had to get into groups of 5. In those groups of 5 we had to watch a video about the Pyeongchang emblem and what is means. So our emblem represents the things we like to do and the colors of our circles is the color of our country. Red = Tonga, Blue = Samoa, Yellow = Niue. We had to see the example from the Pyeongchang emblem video. We all thought to do the things we like and our countries colors. We all have something in common. We all love Music, Learning, and Sports. I learnt that if you make a emblem it always has a story behind it like a reason.


LI: To learn Softball Skills.

Today for Kiwi Sport we had Ash come  teach us some Softball. Ash counted us 1-2 numbers. Number 1 we have to get a glove,Number 2 we had to wait in line in front of Ash. The ones who have the gloves they have to spread out on the field. The ones who  don't have gloves they have to line up  and get ready to bat. We had to bat 2 balls when the 2 balls have already been  batten then they have to run around the base and you if think you can't make it to the finish we have to stop at the base. The other thing i learned today was how to hold a softball bat. We had to take turns batting and fielding. team 1 we had to bat, team 2 they have to field. Ash reminded everybody how to hold a soft ball bat.

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Kiwi Can

LI: Don't Give up , Give It a go

Today for Kiwi for kiwi can we had a new topic. Our new topic for this week was leadership,Mrs Lilly and Mr Matt was asking what does Leadership mean? So One of our answers was Being a role model, showing others how to act and doing things that is right. Mrs Lilly and Mr Matt came up with these games one of our games was Rock paper Scissors. We had to find a partner and do rock paper Scissors and who ever wins your partner or you one them has to go behind and cheer for them then they have to walk around and vs other people. Then that game finished then we had a talk about Don't give it up, Give a go. Our next game was Charades. Lots of people gave it a go when we where playing the game Charades. After we played Charades

Friday, 9 March 2018


LI: To create a piece of art work related to pop art. Today we had to make our own self portrait with art. We had to go through a range of instructions to get our piece of art done. First we had to get an image of ourselves and outline our face with a blue pen.  After that we had to get our pencil and put our image of ourselves on the window or door and trace our faces  on the back but moving our pencil side to side. When I finished tracing myself I went to go show the teacher and they put a piece of white paper at the back of our image and outline ourselves again with a red pen and it will go onto the the piece of paper.  I didn't press hard enough that's why you can’t see. Finally I had to pastel the white parts that show on my face from the Image I had but not the black parts. After that when I finished I had to paint the parts that I didn’t pastel black. When I finished with that I left it to dry out and when it dried I vivid out my face and ears, hair.

Friday, 2 March 2018


LI: To do QAR
This week for Mr Wongs reading groups we had to do a QAR. we had to do all of these questions do and find out the Right there,On my own,Author and me,Questions.
Right there
On my own
Author and me
Think and Search
  1. All her life
  2. Oman
3. she can make new friends and go to new schools.

4.  Yes
because she has been there for a long time.

5. yes
she might wanna ring her.
5. scary,Nerves

  1. How long had Sally lived in Sydney?
  2. Where are Sally and her family moving to?
  3. What could Sally do to make moving to a new country easier?
  4. Did Sally like playing on the water polo team she had played on for the past three
  5. years?

6.   Had Sally always lived in the same house?

7. How did Sally feel about spending her birthday in Oman?

8. How could Sally keep in touch with Bella?


LI: To solve problems

This week for Mr Wong's Math's group we had to solve problems on this google spreadsheet. We had to use our fingers and work out the answers. This Math's tasks was pretty easy to do. We had to do this by ourselves because this is easy whats the point of working with someone because your copy their answers and it will be wrong.

This VS That

Learning Intention:  To learn about This VS That.

I learned about
Olympics and games. I found out the Olympic Motto and the Olympic Creed. i really enjoyed doing this tasks it was really fun to know the Olympic Motto is Latin - Citius,Altius, Fortius-Faster Higher Stronger. Me and my partner works together to get this tasks finish .  we inserted the pictures to explain what it was and definition of the photo. We also did the PBS Motto and the PBS Whakatauki.  I learned by  
Working with my partner and finding out good stuff about the olympics. We added a piece of writing and photos to talk about what me and my partner was talking about when me her was writing we thought to add photos because know one be confused why there aren't any pictures.

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Kiwi Can

Learning Intention:  
To have Positive Relations and use Fairness,Fair play.

I learned about  Encouragement ....
Encouragement means making people feel welcome and making them happy. Another thing i learn from Encouragement is cheering on for people. And be nice also work as a team,DON'T leave them out. Make other people join and not being mean to them while they are talking and never talk when the teacher or Mrs Mr Matt and Mrs Lilly. I would like to not leave people out of my group because they will not know what to do and i wanna talk and explore things with them so they have good answers.
I learned by … Playing some Games and i saw a lot of Encouragement. One of the games we played was Jump clap the first taggers were Charlize AJ. We did a little practice and then we did the Real Seas!! The game goes like this: So, Mrs Lilly claps her hands and we have to jump and the taggers have to try and jump and tag us. If Mrs Lilly doesn't clap and you move your out!! The games they came up with was really good and everybody participated .